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Nothing is Impossible
for Those Who Believe

A Christian Perspective on Wallace D. Wattles 1910 classic The Science of Getting Rich. This is Wattles' 1910 classic with a forward written by Marnie L. Pehrson and her commentary throughout. A fresh look at this classic from which many self-help books were taken. (Adobe Acrobat needed)

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Core Belief #7: 
Everything Happens for a Purpose

by Marnie L. Pehrson

When I was about sixteen, a teacher gave me a giraffe card with a quote by Spencer W. Kimball on it: "Everything in our lives happens for a purpose, and that purpose is to prepare us." I don't know whether it was the cute little giraffe (which she said reminded her of me since I'm tall) or the profound quote that made the statement stick with me, but it's become my mantra in life. Experience has proven the truth of it.  

There is something to be learned from everything, and nothing is a waste if you can learn from it. As Napolean Hill said in Think and Grow Rich, "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."  

And so as I go through life, I try to look for what I can learn from any circumstance. I've had to remind myself of this principle lately as I've worked hard to achieve goals that haven't panned out as I'd hoped. Knowledge that I expected would bring me to a certain level of achievement ended up only being a stepping stone. Yet as I've done some soul searching, I've come to understand that God knows best and the time and effort I've invested will not go to waste. It's simply preparing me for something better.  

No experience is wasted if we can learn from it.  

At times like these when I've given my all and still come up short, I wonder what in the world all the work was for. Was I off course? Did I set the wrong goals? And then the answer comes. No, it was simply a little detour - allowing me to picking up people, knowledge and wisdom that would serve me later. Sometimes I have to go down certain roads to be ready to hear the next message. It's like a kindergartener who isn't ready to learn her times tables because she hasn't learned to recognize her numbers yet.  

With God nothing is wasted. No sacrifice made with integrity of purpose comes up fruitless. Not only that, but if we come to Him, He can turn even our grossest errors to our good. He never wastes the pain. The catch is we must come unto Him. He's the turnaround Champion, the Defender of lost causes, the Miracle Worker.  

If things are happening in your life that don't make sense, turn to Him, and He can help you make sense of it. If your poor choices have taken you down the wrong road, turn to Him, and He will lead you to the right road. If you're doing your best to follow Him and things still aren't working, ask Him to help you see your life through His eyes. I testify to you that He will. He will help you understand how the pieces of your life fit together like a glorious puzzle. And when He shows you, you'll know as I know that God can use every single life experience to bless your life and the lives of those around you.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

If you like this, you'll probably like You're Here for a Reason: Discover & Live Your Purpose. Get the first fifty pages for FREE here.

  1. You Can Tap a Power that Makes You Extraordinary
  2. We Are All Connected
  3. Look for the Good
  4. There's Always a Silver Lining
  5. There is No Scarcity, Only Abundance
  6. Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters
  7. Everything Happens for a Purpose
  8. Ask and You Shall Receive
  9. We Are Eternal Beings in a Mortal Training Ground

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