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Nothing is Impossible
for Those Who Believe

A Christian Perspective on Wallace D. Wattles 1910 classic The Science of Getting Rich. This is Wattles' 1910 classic with a forward written by Marnie L. Pehrson and her commentary throughout. A fresh look at this classic from which many self-help books were taken. (Adobe Acrobat needed)

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"The Secret."
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Now How Do You Reconcile the 
Law of Attraction with Your Christian Beliefs?

Learn How!

Core Belief #4: 
There's Always a Silver Lining

by Marnie L. Pehrson

Within every thing bad, there's an equal and opposite good. If something's a little bit bad, then there's a little good laced within it. If it's catastrophic, there's something phenomenal inside.

If you fall down a six-foot pit, you won't need to climb eight feet to get out of it - only six. It's the law of opposites or the law of polarity. Every book has a front and a back. Every box has an inside and an out. Every challenge in your life has an equal opportunity within it.

When I learned this principle and began to believe it, I saw everything differently. I began to see afflictions as adventures and offenses as opportunities. When someone criticized my web site, I started looking at it from the visitor's perspective and searched for ways to improve their experience. Some of my best Web site ideas have come from customer complaints.

The best thing that ever happened to my writing career was a critic's negative review because it made me ask myself, "Is this person right? Could I use improvement in these areas? Should I get a professional editor?" The question led me to a talented editor whose mentoring and friendship has become priceless to me.

So the next time you're faced with a trial, test or tragedy ask yourself these questions:

  • What can I learn from this?
  • What will I do now that I wouldn't have thought of or been willing to do otherwise?
  • What can I do for others because of this situation?
  • What do I want to have happen?
  • What would need to happen for me to feel comfortable with this situation?

Use these questions to help you decide what you want to have happen next so that you can intelligently and specifically approach the Lord and ask for a solution.

Almost every great discovery began with a question. The great thing about negative situations is that they can lead us to ask the right questions. The right questions lead to right answers - the blessings laced within the challenge.

If you like this, you'll probably like You're Here for a Reason: Discover & Live Your Purpose. Get the first fifty pages for FREE here.

  1. You Can Tap a Power that Makes You Extraordinary
  2. We Are All Connected
  3. Look for the Good
  4. There's Always a Silver Lining
  5. There is No Scarcity, Only Abundance
  6. Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters
  7. Everything Happens for a Purpose
  8. Ask and You Shall Receive
  9. We Are Eternal Beings in a Mortal Training Ground

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